Pelvic Health and Pregnancy
Pelvic floor PT is a branch of orthopedic PT devoted to dealing with problems specific to the pelvis and genital organs including: urinary/fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, genital pain, painful intercourse, interstitial cystitis, lichen sclerosis, and vaginal scar tissue from episiotomies or tears usually from childbirth.
Pelvic floor physical therapists are specially trained to internally evaluate and treat the muscles of the pelvic region to help address the above issues. Many people still do not realize that excellent treatment options exist for these types of problems for females and males.
In Other Industrialized Countries postpartum patients are often seen by a physical therapist to address pain issues, teach proper body mechanics for handling a new baby, and to help achieve a faster
recovery. Physical therapy can be a valuable tool to empower patients during the transition to parenthood
Back & Neck pain
Wrist & Hand pain
Pelvic pain
Pubic bone pain
Sacroiliac joint pain
Coccyx pain
Hip & knee pain
Foot pain
Diastasis recti (abdominal separation)
Vaginal pain
Painful intercourse
Urinary/fecal incontinence
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Abdominal muscle weakness
Umbilical hernia
Scar tissue (vaginal, c-section, or other)
Cesarean section rehab
Poor posture

Pregnancy is a time when the body is undergoing many physical changes at a very rapid pace. Major
postural changes occur during pregnancy which can add pressure to the spine and joints. This pressure
can cause muscles to tighten and old injuries to flare up. Hormonal changes also cause a softening of
ligaments and a loosening of the body’s joints. This is necessary so that the body can accommodate the
growth of the fetus and have mobility for delivery, but this extra laxity can cause problems for many
women as the pelvic joints often become hypermobile, and some women may need physical therapy
support to manage pain.
Unlike physical therapy sessions at most clinics, therapists at Debra Goodman Physical Therapy will spend an hour with each patient individually. Patients will never feel rushed. Treatment will be individualized to each patient’s particular needs.
The region where people have symptoms is often not where the source of the problem lies. Many traditional clinicians only treat the area where the pain is located and never get to the root of the problem causing pain to return. Patients treated at Debra Goodman Physical Therapy will have the benefit of an examination of the whole body, not just the injured site. In addition, a person’s lifestyle, occupation, and emotional state will be taken into account when prescribing treatment regimens.
Through the use of manual therapy techniques including myofascial release, deep tissue massage, joint mobilization, muscle-energy techniques, and cranial sacral therapy, proper body alignment is restored, and then patients are instructed in a specific exercise program tailored to their individual needs.